The remainder of March 2006
Sorry for the lack of updates there's been a couple of "movements" going on so its been difficult to find the time.The camera hasn't been out of the bag at all for April so I don't know what will happen there.Anyway...

Early March..Sydney FC won the final, poor game surprise surprise.. the main entertainment came from this psycho roaming the ground screaming at people. Couldn't get close enough to a face, here's a shot of him in Pete's ear. Think he was spanish or south american and probably asking for help in removing a large object from his rear. I'd personally recommend more fiber in the diet!

90 minutes later Yorkie was lifting the golden toilet bowl. Heard him say it would always help him to think of his Sydney team mates..hmmm !

Good ole Dave Conlon came down from Brisbane for a wee visit. Caught up for a few drinks, a swim and a much needed blue bottle sting on the toe.. Now Dave just isn't the type to complain and nothings a hassle. The type of chap that would just say "ok!" if you told him you were going burn down his house. But the blue bottle sting attacked his lymphatic system and zoned in around the "town halls" region. I've never seen him try to complain as much. Best effort ever!! I tried to get a nice life guard to rub it better but Dave's married these days and declined. Although if I forced him he would have said "Ok!"

Patricks day was a strange one..

began quietly and then snowballed into madness. With drink as the catalyst.What a shock..drink of Patrick’s day. Almost as rare as an Irishman wearing an Irish Jersey here.

I got to the pub late so I had some catching up to do..although I don't think I could ever have reached the plains of a young budding rocket sceintist at the bar "Stop pushing".."Im not pushing".."Well if you're not pushing then stop it !" I was never good at the logic thingy wingy!

The door of the disabled toilets opened up to reveal a 4 piece band playing in it. I questioned the PH level in my pint. A game of family fortunes couldn't even put this on my list of things found in a disabled toilet. It was like the magic door from bosco! So what else can you do but join them.. they weren't bad at all for a toilet band but it did make the wiping process that little bit more awkward. Given the choice I’d vote for wireless speakers.
I’d also request that the German member of the band who think’s he’s Irish, refrained from talking to me. Being Irish is not a contest on how many times you can fit the word say “fu*k” into a sentence with an Irish stupid fu*king fu*ker ye! And thats where the memory faded that day..
Oh here’s a picture of the girls that hijacked my phone for you Mam.. they voted you worlds number one mother for sending over the hats and badges to me. We are all invited to the wedding in Ireland in June..I just can't remember the details of it. But best of luck bride to be !!

Tanya Gallagher departed just as Kelly was lining up the chap's to meet her.

If anyone wants Tanya's Irish number its +353...
Apart from all that weekly life has involved working (just like they do in Ireland!!) , golf and some body boarding. Football too..playing for Balmain Wanderers. The goalscoring is not as prolific as the other genius from Tallaght but I can work on that..Keano ye legend showing all the doubters the way !! That Includes you Webb !!

This one's for you Caz..
I’ll leave you with a quote from the commentators of the weight lifting at the Commonwealth games.. happened just after the fat guy lifted the heavy balloons.... “there’s nothing quite like the feel of a good snatch is there Pete”… indeed !!

Early March..Sydney FC won the final, poor game surprise surprise.. the main entertainment came from this psycho roaming the ground screaming at people. Couldn't get close enough to a face, here's a shot of him in Pete's ear. Think he was spanish or south american and probably asking for help in removing a large object from his rear. I'd personally recommend more fiber in the diet!

90 minutes later Yorkie was lifting the golden toilet bowl. Heard him say it would always help him to think of his Sydney team mates..hmmm !

Good ole Dave Conlon came down from Brisbane for a wee visit. Caught up for a few drinks, a swim and a much needed blue bottle sting on the toe.. Now Dave just isn't the type to complain and nothings a hassle. The type of chap that would just say "ok!" if you told him you were going burn down his house. But the blue bottle sting attacked his lymphatic system and zoned in around the "town halls" region. I've never seen him try to complain as much. Best effort ever!! I tried to get a nice life guard to rub it better but Dave's married these days and declined. Although if I forced him he would have said "Ok!"

Patricks day was a strange one..

began quietly and then snowballed into madness. With drink as the catalyst.What a shock..drink of Patrick’s day. Almost as rare as an Irishman wearing an Irish Jersey here.

I got to the pub late so I had some catching up to do..although I don't think I could ever have reached the plains of a young budding rocket sceintist at the bar "Stop pushing".."Im not pushing".."Well if you're not pushing then stop it !" I was never good at the logic thingy wingy!

The door of the disabled toilets opened up to reveal a 4 piece band playing in it. I questioned the PH level in my pint. A game of family fortunes couldn't even put this on my list of things found in a disabled toilet. It was like the magic door from bosco! So what else can you do but join them.. they weren't bad at all for a toilet band but it did make the wiping process that little bit more awkward. Given the choice I’d vote for wireless speakers.
I’d also request that the German member of the band who think’s he’s Irish, refrained from talking to me. Being Irish is not a contest on how many times you can fit the word say “fu*k” into a sentence with an Irish stupid fu*king fu*ker ye! And thats where the memory faded that day..

Oh here’s a picture of the girls that hijacked my phone for you Mam.. they voted you worlds number one mother for sending over the hats and badges to me. We are all invited to the wedding in Ireland in June..I just can't remember the details of it. But best of luck bride to be !!

Tanya Gallagher departed just as Kelly was lining up the chap's to meet her.

If anyone wants Tanya's Irish number its +353...
Apart from all that weekly life has involved working (just like they do in Ireland!!) , golf and some body boarding. Football too..playing for Balmain Wanderers. The goalscoring is not as prolific as the other genius from Tallaght but I can work on that..Keano ye legend showing all the doubters the way !! That Includes you Webb !!

This one's for you Caz..
I’ll leave you with a quote from the commentators of the weight lifting at the Commonwealth games.. happened just after the fat guy lifted the heavy balloons.... “there’s nothing quite like the feel of a good snatch is there Pete”… indeed !!