Feb 2006 - The last days of Freedom
Well no sooner had I posted a blog about unemployment I began my quest for work. Guilt had left me after I sent the first Charlie Victor out so in no way was I ready to take the next step. Everything was going well for a while until agencies started phoning me back. Whats that all about?!? 2 weeks later and I received the bad news that i'd be going back to work..for a whole 3 months!! Still a bit of action in the last weeks of Feb.
So what of the last days of Freedom I don't hear anyone ask..
James turned 30 so we had a good night out for that one. There was a bit of lookalike competition between the photo's on the wall and James guests. (more on that in another blog but here's a sample).

Sadly there was no picture about of Denis the Menace to Match James' look.
There should be more pictures available but I think George is having a bit of trouble with his reliable Canon camera. Might explain why he can't start his own blog.
The same night,we also heard the most beautiful rendition of 'Eye of the Tiger'. Ye did your mam proud James. I have to say it really was unfair on you that they played the song in the wrong key and mixed up all the words. Everyone knows that the line "I'd rather be in Woooookiiiiiiinnnnng" was missing...the lyrics were clearly out of date... honest !!

Went down to watch Kieran, Cas and the Dragon boat racing...in that order as it turned out! First we saw Kieran, then Cas, standing at the pier watching a race. There were murmers i could make out "over..knocked out". After all the talk of
"Come down around 2 o clock to watch us". Cock sure of an appearance in the final..ahh yeah come down at 2. We had from 7am till 12:30pm to see the heats but oh no.. come down at 2.
Walked an hour and a half with Fred to get there, he slobbered on everyone. Some poor girl came away with a hand full of flem after an attempt of petting.(Fred's never been to tallaght but he knows how to gob on people)

Most other days were spent swimming and snorkling. Is this the face that sank a thousand ships ?. I can't say but I certainly swollowed a barrell of water when I saw it.

Went to Shelly Beach with Matt and Ing. The 2 chaps took to the water for a spot of snorkling.. Matt was just about to show me a wreck of a bike when he appeared to be doing an impression of Mariah Carey hitting a high note. I soon realised he had a blue bottle stuck to his hand and was trying to get it off. Filling out the forms for the next pop idol he was that good. Naturally after he took the first sting that day it was only right he lead the way back in, I bravely took the rear in case any blue bottles chased us. You never know.. could be a first !!

With one week to go before work I decided to return to the water dressed as a surfer..without a surfboard !! After taking an earful from Paddy about not being prepared I ended up renting a board and suit for $25..bargan. Myself and Paddy paddled out together and were sitting there waiting on waves for a while.. Paddy went first and caught a wave straight away, up on the board.
Then it was my turn..a huge wave came and I went for it..caught it too and got up straight away and rode it all the way in..Im just a natural I guess. Of course thats the romantic version of surfing.. it was the dream I had before I came through on the beach with a blue bottle wrapped around my arm. Did I say beach..it meant car park. Before I could even get past a wave I was swept up by it and pulled right under for what felt like an eternity..great start!! I wasn't lying about getting up on the board and catching a wave all the way in.

But as it was explained to me, you actually have to stay up on the board... and catching a wave all the way in means you have to remain positively boyant.. negative doesn't count. At least I know how many litres of water my body can hold.
As I have no photo's of the surfing here's a couple of the king himself Billy Connolly at the Hordeon Pavillion, Sydney.. the man still has it, Magic show!Biggest cheer of the night was about John Howard's (Australian PM) purpose in life was to remind us of what Harry Potter will look like in the future !!

...and so I started work.. brought the camera in on the first day and got my picture taken with everyone I was introduced to. What a great idea !!

So what of the last days of Freedom I don't hear anyone ask..
James turned 30 so we had a good night out for that one. There was a bit of lookalike competition between the photo's on the wall and James guests. (more on that in another blog but here's a sample).

Sadly there was no picture about of Denis the Menace to Match James' look.
There should be more pictures available but I think George is having a bit of trouble with his reliable Canon camera. Might explain why he can't start his own blog.
The same night,we also heard the most beautiful rendition of 'Eye of the Tiger'. Ye did your mam proud James. I have to say it really was unfair on you that they played the song in the wrong key and mixed up all the words. Everyone knows that the line "I'd rather be in Woooookiiiiiiinnnnng" was missing...the lyrics were clearly out of date... honest !!

Went down to watch Kieran, Cas and the Dragon boat racing...in that order as it turned out! First we saw Kieran, then Cas, standing at the pier watching a race. There were murmers i could make out "over..knocked out". After all the talk of
"Come down around 2 o clock to watch us". Cock sure of an appearance in the final..ahh yeah come down at 2. We had from 7am till 12:30pm to see the heats but oh no.. come down at 2.
Walked an hour and a half with Fred to get there, he slobbered on everyone. Some poor girl came away with a hand full of flem after an attempt of petting.(Fred's never been to tallaght but he knows how to gob on people)

Most other days were spent swimming and snorkling. Is this the face that sank a thousand ships ?. I can't say but I certainly swollowed a barrell of water when I saw it.

Went to Shelly Beach with Matt and Ing. The 2 chaps took to the water for a spot of snorkling.. Matt was just about to show me a wreck of a bike when he appeared to be doing an impression of Mariah Carey hitting a high note. I soon realised he had a blue bottle stuck to his hand and was trying to get it off. Filling out the forms for the next pop idol he was that good. Naturally after he took the first sting that day it was only right he lead the way back in, I bravely took the rear in case any blue bottles chased us. You never know.. could be a first !!

With one week to go before work I decided to return to the water dressed as a surfer..without a surfboard !! After taking an earful from Paddy about not being prepared I ended up renting a board and suit for $25..bargan. Myself and Paddy paddled out together and were sitting there waiting on waves for a while.. Paddy went first and caught a wave straight away, up on the board.
Then it was my turn..a huge wave came and I went for it..caught it too and got up straight away and rode it all the way in..Im just a natural I guess. Of course thats the romantic version of surfing.. it was the dream I had before I came through on the beach with a blue bottle wrapped around my arm. Did I say beach..it meant car park. Before I could even get past a wave I was swept up by it and pulled right under for what felt like an eternity..great start!! I wasn't lying about getting up on the board and catching a wave all the way in.

But as it was explained to me, you actually have to stay up on the board... and catching a wave all the way in means you have to remain positively boyant.. negative doesn't count. At least I know how many litres of water my body can hold.
As I have no photo's of the surfing here's a couple of the king himself Billy Connolly at the Hordeon Pavillion, Sydney.. the man still has it, Magic show!Biggest cheer of the night was about John Howard's (Australian PM) purpose in life was to remind us of what Harry Potter will look like in the future !!

...and so I started work.. brought the camera in on the first day and got my picture taken with everyone I was introduced to. What a great idea !!
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