Well I’ve been meaning to include this in the group of updates for some time.. after all the blog is entitled Tallaght to Sydney. So its about time I completed the journey..on paper at least !! The actual journey to destination Sydney was nearly two months ago.. look its just an excuse to put more pictures up with a wee yarn.

Melbourne 18 - 21/12/05
After getting over the shock of a cool 17 degrees in Melbourne we were able to pick ourselves up and do some exciting stuff.. like go to the cinema..wozers !! Yep I know..what a waste but I think the jet lag left us wanting for energy.
We did manage to catch up with the legend that is Bernard Spence and his lovely missus. Bernard has returned to Australia in search of a better life with the possibility of work. He has taken the responsibility of parenting at home while Albhie is the bread winner. The fact that they don’t have kids is incidental. Had a good night with them in a couple of pubs and a Chinese.
Good ole Spency’s time can now be occupied modelling sportswear at home..pending on whats on the box you may find him in the speedo’s or Cycling shorts.(don’t call in on sumo wrestling night.. Just a heads up!) If you phone him that’s not a beep, it’s a beer can opening.. the Australian dream !

Rented a car and drove the Great Ocean road. Upon reaching the 12 Apostles (of which only 8 remain.. please rename now to Snow White and the 7 dwarfs) we were met by the friendliest crowd. Everyone was waving at us and calling us over to them. Naturally when we got closer to the group we began waving ourselves at others. I suppose it was unavoidable with all the flies around. I’ve never seen so many. And suddenly you realise that babies are crying not smiling, and kids are picking flies not snots. There was a splinter group who appeared to be making the ‘who farted' gesture in the distance. Couldn’t take the chance on finding out that this was actually the correct gesture so we took some photo’s from where we stood.(the photo’s all tourists have) and made our exit. Check out the fly on Kelly’s lip in one photo.

Sydney 21/12/05 (and onwards)
Nearly 3 years to the day since we left and its touch down Sydney. It’s just like we never left. Clear blue sky, sweltering heat, crystal clear waters…awful really !! Deco and Paddy picked us up in the ute with some cool tunes and it wasn’t long before we were dipping in to home brew and smelling farts from Paddy’s dogs ass(you blamed Buddha not me).. talk about bin juice!

It was only fitting that we had our first meal back here in the Flavour of India.
A little history for all of you who don’t know this (and there will be many) Michael Hutchinson had his last meal here on the night he died. This is a fact which a lot of Australian’s love to tell you when you mention the place or walk past it, and each time I love playing dumb that I never heard it before (Apologies to Jodi if you ever read this.. I did know but I couldn’t help it!!) Of course Paddy Byrne used to love telling this story..think we had him going for a couple of months. So that’s why we returned here.

Resorted back to the original plan of staying in Deco’s house after we had locked ourselves out of my sisters apartment.(Marsha in your wonderful list you forgot to mention don't touch the bottom lock!!) The one trade glad to meet idiots are locksmiths ..I wasn’t even going to bother with my excuse to him. They dog ate the key. Within 5 seconds I was $90 down with only a receipt (brain dead certificate) to show for my troubles. The flat was ok though as we had a huntsman spider overseeing things on the balcony.. he came back a few days later to check on us again.. fair play.

Christmas was different.. no tree and only 2 bits of tinsel marked the apartment.. Turkey and ham swapped for potato salad and a blanket in the park with 15 of the lads and lasses.
A holiday from this holiday was needed so we followed the rest of the gang down to Jervis bay a few days later.. Dolphin’s and Sharks are in the water but we only saw the friendlier ones (well spotted Deco). I'll let the photo's do the talking for the remainder...It'just torture thinking about it again.