Gavin Harmon

Tallaght to Sydney

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Turdy-ith Birthday Bash on de turd March

All the pictures can be found here.

Internet connection restored.. happy days.

First post back are the long over due photo's of the 30th party. It's been a while now so a big thanks to everyone for making the effort on the night. It was one to remember.. so hopefully these pictures will jog your memory !!

The pictures are a combination from my camera and Dec's. My camera sat in the night before and took it easy..Dec's camera either had a big one or sat in and watched woodstock... you'll see !
Superman probably shaded it on the night for best costume.. through default. We couldn't find Gav Russell to give him the award as the invisible man.
Close behind were Anne and Vicky Pollard, Captain Jack Sparrow .. actually the list goes on.. enjoy the pictures here.

A big shout out to the 3 Jewish South African's for noting that Hitler didn't wear suspenders and a mini skirt.. we hope your knuckles are doing well !!